
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

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Using Tech For Good: How Partnering With a BPO / Outsourcing Company Can Be A Perfect Addition

September 05, 2021

Advancing technology has always spurred economic development, and now it’s accelerating even faster. In fact, “In the next decade, we will experience more progress than in the past 100 years”, says Peter Diamandis, Cofounder of Singularity University. Data science, advanced analytics, AI-enabled technology….these are just a few of the business buzzwords of a post-pandemic society, …

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How To Make Customer Satisfaction Your KPI – Enter Technology & BPO / Outsourcing Companies

September 05, 2021

Remember that tried and true little saying, “The customer is always right”? Coined by Harry Gordon Selfridge of the famed London department store, at the time it was seen as significant innovation in customer service, and in its basic principle, rings true today. While some of the criticisms of this old adage are relevant (no …

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‘White Glove Service’ Sets the Customer Experience Bar Higher Than Ever – An Outsourcing Company Can Help You Clear It

September 05, 2021

As the guiding principle of consumerism, customer service – even great customer service – is no longer a one-size-fits-all practice. In fact, its future is already here, and across ALL industries and sectors, the organizations that get it right will set the pace for their competition. ‘White glove service’ used to be a practice reserved …

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Ecommerce, CX and the ‘New Normal’ – BPO / Outsourcing Companies Support Brands

September 05, 2021

It’s no longer a trend. Ecommerce has experienced a staggering five to ten years of growth acceleration over the past six months. As the pandemic imposed never-before-seen restrictions on companies across every sector, survival demanded action, resulting in creative, nimble and essential pivots in the ways that business is done. And as the world continues …

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Post-Pandemic Notes on Consumer Goods & Retail – And Let’s Not Forget BPO / Outsourcing Companies

September 05, 2021

It’s common knowledge that world-wide economies were shattered by COVID-19. Between lock-downs and shut-downs, most industries experienced a disruption in the ways they do business. Even companies that were deemed “essential services” had to navigate the newly implemented processes that were necessary to safely keep their doors open.   As the world slowly re-opens there …

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Closing the Engagement Capacity Gap – How Outsourcing Companies Can “Up” the Customer Service Game

September 05, 2021

The world is slowly re-opening. Instead of take-out, restaurants are serving in-house customers again, theatre lights have switched on and after a year and a half of lockdown, and people are actually considering their travel options. Without a doubt, the demand is there – in fact, an American Express study determined that 78% of participants …