
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

Digital M&A Is Here to Stay

May 16, 2022

Digital transformation of the global economy has affected every industry, and clearly, is here to stay. Nowhere does this have more impact than in the dynamic M&A (mergers and acquisitions) field of digital companies. Transactions involving digital assets have significantly increased with the surge of technology as a result of the pandemic. Approaching a digital …

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) – The Advantages

May 16, 2022

Something that likely doesn’t get enough attention in the business ecosystem is Material Requirements Planning (MRP). What exactly does MRP refer to? It’s a term used to identify the process used for management of production and demand within a company – and allows for strategic calculations about materials and time required to fulfill customer orders. …

The Next Normal: The Only Constant is Change Itself

May 16, 2022

A two-year global pandemic flattened many economies and had the unexpected effect of transforming others. It raised many questions, like can productivity and efficiency be an integral part of the work-from-home model, and how can advanced technologies support seamless operations? And how can organizations advance their digital agendas and most importantly – learn to work …

Getting Closer to The Customer

May 16, 2022

The reports are in, and B2B trends for 2022 are all about a laser-like focus on the customer and improving CX. Furthermore, these B2B companies must prioritize supporting a digitally-framed CX that will allow them to meet demand, minimize disruption and create opportunities for growth. First of all, let’s establish the fact that CX is …

Nothing Beats the Human Voice When It Comes To CX

May 16, 2022

In a digital world – and especially in a pandemic-affected world – the human voice resonates more than ever, especially when considering how it affects a high-quality customer experience. With consumers engaging in the customer journey via SMS, website, chats and social media, identifying their reason for initiating contact has become vital for any customer-facing …

2022 and the Recipe for CX Success

May 16, 2022

It’s never been more important to map out an action plan for 2022 CX goals. If you can understand your customers and improve on the overall experience you deliver, you are on your way to bridging the gap between customer experience and brand promise. And while the principles have continued to evolve, and the pandemic …