
Making postgraduate
education accessible
through Whatsapp.

We partnered with one of the most important universities in Mexico and Latin America to make postgraduate education more accessible through WhatsApp, an instant messaging app that allows for faster, more efficient interactions, and a higher probability of leads turning into sales.

Want to learn more?

Download the full case here:

Fast Facts

Industry: Education.

Region: Mexico and Latin America.

Servicies: Customer service via WhatsApp and integration with other channels America.


  1. Flexibility to meet customers where they are in their own terms
  2. Ability to support text messaging, calls, video calls, and document transfer in a single platform.
  3. Agility to keep leads warm until the perfect offering is available.

The Challenge

We would manage inbound conversations through an 800 number and provide the pertinent information to interested prospects coming from Mexico and all over Latin America, handing over qualified leads to the internal enrollment teams at the various campuses the institution operates all over Mexico and some other Latin American countries.

At some point during the negotiations one of our executives suggested adding a dedicated WhatsApp number exclusively for this purpose, highlighting its popularity and its features. It had never been done before, but the institution trusted us with the design and implementation of this new channel.

The Solution

As an instant messaging platform, WhatsApp is robust, agile, supports phone calls within the app, is able to support rich media – such as photos, videos, voice notes, and animated gifs – as well as the transfer of documents in a variety of formats.

What this means in practice, and from a customer service standpoint, is that a single platform is able to take on the duties and functions of at least two more traditional ones, in this case telephone and email, with half the effort and associated costs of implementation in the whole Latin American region.

The Results

The channel and the initiative as it were planned and agreed upon began implementation in March 2019. Once the application was tested and approved for use, deployment took only two weeks, and it serviced Mexico and other Latin American countries such as Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. All KPIs for the WhatsApp channel had established goals and were monitored especially closely since we had no actual benchmark to measure them against. Here are some of the most important results:

Net Promoter Score

Why Anexa?

What started as an experiment evolved into a true force of change for us and our customer, one which will be able to meet the expected boom in demand for alternative channels in a time when we need more flexibility than ever before.

Want to learn more?

Download the full case here: