
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

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Staying Ahead of the Pandemic Curve – Outsourcing Customer Service

June 28, 2021

Cus•tom•er Serv•ice: The assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services   The Oxford Dictionary lists “customer service” as a noun – but for our purposes, let’s consider it a verb – an action verb. True customer service is actionable and involves a set of …

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The Future of Business with BPO Outsourcing Companies

June 28, 2021

COVID-19 has framed business practices in new and unexpected ways. The forced switch to remote working established a precedent for many industries – what was once a highly unlikely scenario for conducting business became the norm – and to the surprise of many, it worked. In fact, it worked to such a degree that companies …

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Post-Pandemic Economy, Trajectory and the BPO (Outsourcing) Company

June 02, 2021

Business is still reeling from the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. While hope is growing for a strong recovery with the implementation of vaccine therapies, victory still lives very much in the future. The third wave is largely behind us, and although experts are cautioning about the dangers of re-opening too soon and triggering …

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Work After COVID – Consumer Shift to BPO (Outsourcing) Companies for The Win

June 02, 2021

It’s been a tough year. Actually, make that 15 months (and counting). As the pandemic crisis has evolved and flattened so many aspects of the business world, markets have found it necessary to react, adapt, get creative and – in many cases – completely restructure their business models. Organizations that previously ran on time-honoured systems …

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Beyond The Pandemic – BPO Outsourcing Companies Are Coming in Hot

June 02, 2021

Front and center in every business planning session today: where do we go from here? What worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work anymore. In early 2020, COVID-19 slammed into life as we know it, forcing organizations to re-evaluate – and reimagine – how to conduct themselves. Businesses were forced to pivot radically (some more than others, …

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Post-Pandemic Predictions, Trends, and Where BPO (Outsourcing) Companies Fit in

June 02, 2021

We know that the global pandemic has changed many ways in which we function. This includes communicating, conducting business and even consuming. With this shift, we’ve been forced to find creative ways to support many day-to-day activities, both as consumers and business operators. Brick and mortar operations have had to completely reconstruct their business model, …