
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

2022 – Predictions, Processes, and BPO Outsourcing Companies

January 18, 2022

We have all heard the saying “Go big or go home”. As extreme a perspective as it endorses, perhaps it lends itself perfectly to the critical business trends that are predicted for 2022. This is a year to be bold or be left behind. With heightened expectations for customer experience (CX), anywhere work strategies being …

Resilience As a Key Asset – Along With BPO Outsourcing Companies

January 18, 2022

In the face of unpredictable markets along with increasingly frequent shocks and disruptions, companies are focusing on improving their resilience. Achieving this requires action that spans traditional functional boundaries, and involves transformation not only of an organization’s operations but its entire operating model. So how do companies develop resilience in a business world where volatility …

The Employee Experience – BPO Outsourcing Companies Can Become A Cornerstone of the Principle

January 18, 2022

It’s a fact – the quality of our work experience impacts the quality of our lives. A lot of today’s business philosophy has been focused on customer experience (CX), but much less scrutiny has been directed toward employee experience. Coming out of the pandemic and the attending work-from-home model that evolved, a whole new picture is …

The Future of Work: BPO Outsourcing Companies Show Up Everywhere

January 18, 2022

As much as we hear about digital technologies being the primary driver of new normal business processes, automation technologies promise to reshape the future of work in equally impactful ways. From robotic-process-automation bots to machine-learning algorithms, to physical robots, there is potential to deliver huge benefits beyond cost savings for organizations. Enhanced customer experience and …

Social Listening Reports + Customer Service Outsourcing Companies = Winning Combo

January 18, 2022

The customer experience – referred to as CX – has become one of the most critical principles in today’s business world. The customer’s journey must resonate with satisfaction in order to create repeat business and cement brand loyalty. Your brand’s reputation is more important to your customers now than it’s ever been before. Digital and …

Unlock Higher Customer Satisfaction @ Lower Cost with This Key: BPO Outsourcing Companies

January 18, 2022

You might think that the utility industry is exempt from the ever-growing business focus on customer experience (CX), but you’d be wrong. A 2020 McKinsey survey of 20,000 residential utility customers identified that providers from the top-quartile group of performers saw three to four times higher net customer satisfaction than those in the bottom quartile. …