
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

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Restructuring Apparel Retail Post Pandemic

October 19, 2021

Apparel is a necessity, which means even with the pandemic closing many stores across the country, clothing sales continue. Through ecommerce platforms, consumers can shop from their favorite stores contact-free and without the need for a mask. One of the issues retailers weren’t prepared for, is returns. During the pandemic, returns have increased. This likely …

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Retail Recovery and Business with the Pandemic

October 19, 2021

According to a report by CNN Business, the American economy is operating at 92% and retailers are seeing an overall improvement in ecommerce numbers. As the COVID-19 pandemic struck, forcing closures and loss of jobs across the country, retailers took a hit. Toward the end of 2020, ecommerce sales soared, and while they aren’t quite …

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The New Normal for Lightweight Personal Vehicle Sales

October 19, 2021

Lightweight vehicles, also called micromobility vehicles, are among many industries suffering the effects of COVID-19 on the U.S. economy. More businesses in this niche are turning to BPO outsourcing companies and call center companies in Florida, Texas, and California to encourage sustainability in the future. With pandemic restrictions, including local lockdown measures in many states, …

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‘Customer Experience’ or ‘Customer Service’? Why an Outsourcing Company Is the Best Way

October 15, 2021

CX, CX, CX….if you’re an SMB, trying to stay ahead of the exploding post-pandemic commerce curve, you’re hearing about customer experience as the leading factor in consumer acquisition and retention – even ahead of product and well ahead of price. In fact, research shows that almost 50% of business owners believe that CX will be …

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Today’s Leading Businesses Are Already Building Tomorrow’s Leading Workforces – Business Process Outsourcing Companies Can Do the Heavy Lifting

October 15, 2021

COVID-19 struck in early 2020 and dramatically impacted the economy across all industries. Between business shutdowns, work from home (WFH) pivots, the surge of a digital economy and the implementation of pandemic health guidelines – which in and of itself has remained a moving target – businesses scrambled to keep their footing. One of the …

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Teaming Up to Get It Right – A Customer Service Outsourcing Company Can Take You Further

October 15, 2021

The days of customer service solely being accessed through a telephone number are gone. ‘Service’ has never been a more critical element of the customer journey – from the product exploration, comparisons, and reviews; to the initial interactions, right through post-purchase and beyond. Today’s brands and companies need to consistently exceed customers’ expectations, or risk …

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LIVE COMMERCE: How BPO / Outsourcing Companies Can Support Commerce as an EVENT

October 15, 2021

The world of commerce has seen a dramatic new format – one that blends entertainment with interactive and instant purchasing. The best example of this would be Alibaba’s Taobao Live annual event, involving an online livestream broadcast with their ecommerce store to allow viewers (and consumers) to watch and shop at the same time. The …

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How Customer Service Outsourcing Companies Can Move the Needle From ‘CX’ To ‘Customer Empathy’

October 15, 2021

Over the past decade, a lot has been written about CX – that critical KPI ‘customer experience’. It has become its own science, with research, surveys and a wide range of data dedicated to deconstructing the psychology around this compelling business strategy. Yes, entire back-office systems have been built around CX with front-office apps and …

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Alive and Well – How BPO Outsourcing Companies Can Support the $1.5 Trillion Wellness Market

October 15, 2021

The post-pandemic rebound of consumer spending has created opportunities across all markets – and none more heavily impacted than the ‘wellness’ industry. First of all, exactly what is wellness? While it can mean different things to different people, for many it encompasses physical fitness, holistic care, happiness, relaxation, mindfulness, emotional balance, stress reduction, quality of …

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The Work from Home (WFH) World Is Here to Stay – BPO / Outsourcing Companies Are a Strong Ally

October 01, 2021

Let’s look at the WFH data: 40% of B2B sellers agree that it’s easier to conduct meetings with customers, 41% agree that WFH has facilitated easier collaboration, and 58% report they are working more hours each week in a virtual environment. What does all of this mean to the buying / selling culture? Well, we …