
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

Selling Solutions is an Art

June 15, 2022

Solution selling has become critical as markets evolve, and an important factor for success will be a highly trained, exceptionally skilled “selling solutions” sales team. While traditional selling involves a “pitch” of products or services with the goal of achieving a commitment to purchase, the consultative (or selling solutions) methodology is based on the seller’s …

Has the Remote Paradigm Alienated Your Customers?

June 15, 2022

How has the remote/hybrid work model affected customer service? This phenomenon – which gained traction because of the pandemic – is clearly here to stay in many cases. But customer expectations have not changed – in fact, they have accelerated. Today’s consumer is savvy, sophisticated, and less inclined to practice brand loyalty unless it’s truly …

The Call Center – The Beating Heart of Customer Service

June 15, 2022

With customer experience being one of the most highly profiled and critical strategies in a post-pandemic business world, much attention is being given to the where, why and how of improving it. And when we consider that customer service is the beating heart of CX, it begs a closer look. One of the most basic …

Customer Experience Continues to Transform Business Processes

June 15, 2022

Obviously, CX is here to stay, and its connection with digital platforms and processes is everywhere. Buzz words like omnichannel, self-service and personalization have been shaping customer-centric business strategies for a decade. And even though these practices were transforming the customer journey, COVID-19 hit hard and essentially changed the way we do business. Post-pandemic, consumer …

Customer Service 2022: Service is Saviour

June 15, 2022

A two-year pandemic fundamentally changed the way the world does business. At the end of the day, businesses are made of people, and many people are on the brink. They are exhausted and emotionally bankrupt – and that can easily affect how they feel they’re being treated as customers. A look at Newsweek’s ‘2021 Best …

The Heart of the Customer Relationship

June 13, 2022

If we consider what customer service looked like at the onset of the pandemic – with most businesses seemingly taking the phone off the hook – it’s amazing to realize how it has evolved, and how vital it has become. The customer service of the “new normal” has been elevated to an art unto itself, …