
A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers

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E-Commerce Is Innovating – And Customer Service Outsourcing Companies Play a Supporting Role

December 13, 2021

The e-commerce invasion is not industry-specific – it has permeated every sector on the planet and created tremendous competition. The pressure to innovate has reinvented how – and where – commerce takes place and the way that customers are served. And those businesses that keep their eye on the future of commerce will be positioned …

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The Post-Pandemic Golden Rules of Retail, and Where BPO Outsourcing Companies Can Shine

December 13, 2021

As the nation’s largest private-sector employer, the retail industry affects the lives and livelihoods of millions and is an industry to study. Even before COVID, there was a sense that the future of retail would almost resemble a sci-fi movie, with shopping from anywhere at any time, on various devices, stores transforming into showrooms or …

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SMB Retailers and Customer Service Outsourcing Companies – Prepare for The Holidays

December 13, 2021

The past two years of the pandemic devastated the retail industry (among many others – but that’s another blog). And while businesses have slowly reopened, the new Delta variant has reintroduced another layer of uncertainty into the retail landscape. The good news is that e-commerce has never been more robust and underwent an astonishing surge …

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Retail, Tech Trends and BPO Outsourcing Companies: The Link Is Here!

December 13, 2021

Retail used to be so simple. You got in your car, drove to the store, circled around until you found a parking spot, made your way (through any type of weather) into the retail outlet, pushed a buggy up and down the aisles, perused merchandise and made your selections, then piled your selections onto a …

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SERVICE Is at the Heart of All Successful E-Commerce – How Customer Service Outsourcing Companies Can Help

December 13, 2021

It’s true: one bad interaction can ruin a customer’s experience and may cause them to take their business elsewhere, and post bad reviews or comments about your company. A customer lost may never be regained – and more importantly, could cause you to lose others. This is especially true of e-commerce, where the customer journey …

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution – How It’s Powered and Where BPO Outsourcing Companies Fit In

December 13, 2021

First of all, an overview of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). This term describes the explosion of technology, industries and societal platforms and processes in the 21st century, thanks to increased interconnectivity and smart automation. We are standing on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and …