Retail used to be so simple. You got in your car, drove to the store, circled around until you found a parking spot, made your way (through any type of weather) into the retail outlet, pushed a buggy up and down the aisles, perused merchandise and made your selections, then piled your selections onto a cashier’s check out counter and waited to pay. In the past decade, however, the retail industry has undergone major transformations: the technology revolution has fundamentally changed the way that businesses – all businesses – operate, bricks and mortar stores have made significant changes to the customer journey, and the e-commerce has exploded – in large part because of the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.
And while retail entrepreneurs have reaped significant benefits from the shift to digital sales, there have still been challenges wrought by labor shortages, supply chain chaos, and the urgent need to identify and respond to changing consumer behavior trends. One technology component – automation – is emerging as a clear resource of bricks and mortar stores. From self-checkouts to robotic cleaning machines, these types of tech tools can significantly support employee efforts and even support morale by strategically opening up valuable work hours for more efficient use.
Some of the newest emerging tech trends that are impacting the retail industry – both in-store and online – are just the tip of the “new normal” customer journey. Pricing technology is becoming a key feature, helping retailers to optimize pricing and track inventories. The need to remain competitive in pricing will be supported by technology such as electronic shelf labels, while tech and algorithms around personalized pricing will allow retailers to give personalized promotions to selected shoppers. “Headless-commerce” tools (software architecture that separates what the customer sees (front-end interface) from core functions like tracking inventory (back-end software) are another tech trend that will drive retail. Merchants that utilize omnichannel sales platforms will be able to easily and seamlessly meet their customers where they are. Another popular tech trend is point-of-sale (POS) technology, or smart carts. Examples of this timesaver would be the Amazon cashier-less store with “just walk out” technology like Amazon Go, or the frictionless shopping cart showing up in the Kroger grocery chain, with a built-in scale and camera allowing the customer to scan and bag from the cart as they shop in a bricks-and-mortar environment, keeping the process completely contact via self-checkout. This is the “just walk out” scenario that’s looming on the horizon, contributing to the state-of-the-art tech trends that will continue to revolutionize the retail industry.
Another supplemental and transformative tool is to utilize the services of BPO outsourcing companies, particularly one with an accredited track record. Anexa has set the pace in the outsourcing industry and continues to partner with business sectors – including retail – for a range of customer support and back-office activities. Authorized as a specialized services provider on the REPSE (Registro de Prestadoras de Servicios Especializados u Obras Especialzadas), our hand-picked agents can leverage bilingual (English/Spanish) abilities to access the influential, 41 million-strong – and growing – Spanish speaking market in the US. As one of the leading BPO outsourcing companies with a proven track record, these specialists understand American consumer behavior well. Whether it’s leading your business through the competitive world of customer support, omnichannel management, or maintaining your back office and database services, partnering with Anexa can support your goals and help you create the business future that you want.
Have questions? Reach out today for information on how Anexa can support your post-pandemic business processes.