Beyond The Pandemic – BPO Outsourcing Companies Are Coming in Hot

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Front and center in every business planning session today: where do we go from here? What worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work anymore. In early 2020, COVID-19 slammed into life as we know it, forcing organizations to re-evaluate – and reimagine – how to conduct themselves. Businesses were forced to pivot radically (some more than others, depending on the sector) simply to keep their lights on. The challenge today, as we move into what has been coined as “the next normal”, is to identify the practices that are here to stay and achieve that balance between what worked before, and what to bring with us into an uncertain future.


Adaptability is the ultimate survival skill that contributes to longevity and sustainability. This principle applies to business as well – and especially through a pandemic that is only recently beginning to show signs of slowing down. With the year-long development of life-saving vaccines and a global roll-out that is highly uneven in many parts of the world, businesses are beginning to emerge from shut-downs, lockdowns, slow-downs and all points in between. Supply chains and labour pools have been severely impacted by the pandemic. The businesses that will come out on top are those that exhibit enormous flexibility and don’t simply assume that the old ways – and the good old days – will come back. They won’t, and that’s a fact.


Relevancy Rules


To remain relevant, businesses need to review how to identify and accelerate best practices and harness a dynamic – and changed – workforce. Yes, office life is a classic and familiar culture. The conference room, the workspaces, the coffee room, the community and the networks – those resources no longer come into play to the same degree that they once did. While some businesses will be able to re-integrate the in-house dynamic, some have discovered that remote working – which means no commuting – often accounts for happier employees.


In any case, we need to stop relying on traditional organizational business structures and put maximum focus on agility – which can be defined as “the ability to re-configure strategy, structure, processes, people and technology quickly toward value-creating and value-protecting opportunities”. Businesses that have exhibited an agile response to the current crisis have seen positive results – and will continue to do so.


Enter: BPO Outsourcing Companies


So what does this agility and consistent pivot look like? The companies that operate under this principle have become more decentralized, relying on flatter decision-making structures with a “boots on the ground” approach. This means trusting in the expertise and hands-on capabilities of teams that have “skin in the game”. And that’s where BPO (outsourcing) companies can become true business partners – not just peripheral business contractors. As one of today’s leading BPO companies, Anexa approaches its client affiliations as dynamic partnerships. We incorporate state-of-the-art technology with the most skilled workforce we can access – we hire for aptitude and personality, and train upwards from there. In fact, Anexa wrote the book on non-traditional channels of connecting businesses with clients, and we are perfectly poised to answer the post-pandemic call.


The new – and next – normal demand that to be sustainable, your business anticipates trends by always keeping its finger on the pulse of the market. More than ever, it makes sense to outsource certain departments to a trusted industry leader, so that you can remain highly responsive to volatile conditions and focus your attention on places that most require it – be it business growth, upsizing, downsizing, marketing, product evaluation and revision, networking, supply chain management, quality control etc. Whether it’s the outsourcing of your call center, help desk, data entry or telemarketing activities – as a customer-centric operation, Anexa has a deep pool of experienced personnel. We also work with you to provide full accountability, insight and data feedback as tools to keep your operation on track and put you at the forefront of your field.


In the world as we know it, big picture thinking wins the day – these types of evolutionary practices are most successful when implemented as long-term (five to seven years) solutions. It’s an accepted fact that businesses which reallocate 8 – 10% of their budgets to areas related to resources and infrastructure create more value. Buzzwords like “flexible”, “agile” and “innovative” have never resonated more than they do today, heading into a post-pandemic world. The future is here, and a contactless economy is no longer something that will happen down the road. It’s happening now and it’s here to stay – BPO (outsourcing) companies like Anexa are valuable resources that can efficiently and organically help you to facilitate this new business paradigm.


Reach out today to learn how we can support your post-pandemic business model.