Your Customers Want a Real Person – Outsourcing Companies Provide That Service (With a Human Touch) – Part Two

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In part one of our blog, we discussed the many pitfalls of opting for a predominantly automated customer service line to handle complaints and general inquiries. To summarize, the better half of the population can surely attest to the perils of automation frustration with regard to customer service. Often times, it’s nearly impossible to get to the bottom of the issue or find any resolution, and customers spend the majority of the call asking to speak to a real person, sometimes to no avail. This is a common tale with teams not equipped to deal with a high volume of callers and ignorance surrounding the customer experience topic as a whole.


Customer Experience – More Important Than Ever


Customer Experience has quickly become one of the most commonly used terms in the sales and promotion industry. This is because more often than not, all it takes is one good or bad experience for a customer to make up their mind about a brand. In the case of a bad experience, there could be potentially thousands of dollars lost for your business. The rewards of a positive customer experience can be exponentially higher than you may think. Positive reviews account for a lot these days, with a hefty share of the population relying on online reviews and shared experiences to make a decision on a purchase.


What Is Outsourcing?


Outsourcing involves hiring third-party contractors or a BPO company to fulfill certain duties or entire departments. Over the years, outsourcing has made its way to the forefront of the business world, claiming its rightful spot in the most popular practices of successful enterprise operations.


Some common services which are offered by outsourcing companies include data entry, telemarketing and customer service, both online and via the telephone.


Customer Service and Outsourcing Companies


Though customer service duties can be carried out in-house by a bona fide team of company representatives, a more logical and prudent approach is to enlist outsourcing companies for customer service needs. This is because outsourcing (BPO) companies have the most experience and resources to ensure easy and successful exchanges with customers.


Outsourcing companies are pioneers in the ever-evolving industry of customer service, constantly ahead of the game and guaranteeing results.


Can’t Afford a Team Large Enough to Satisfy ALL Your Customers?


Look no further than outsourcing. BPO companies are an affordable and effective alternative to hiring a large team in-house. There are many businesses which rely solely on outsourcing companies to manage their entire customer service department, and those which require supplementation to meet the demands of their growing customer base. Outsourcing is incredibly flexible, multifunctional and easy to procure. All you need is a reliable and trusted BPO company to get the job done.


When it comes to customer service and outsourcing companies, there is no better way to evoke positive customer experience and encourage brand loyalty than catering to those who keep your business on top. And as we’ve established above, and in part one of our blog, your customers would be much better served by real people with great experience and the ability to comply with their needs.


If you’re looking to bypass the risks of relying on automation for your customer service needs, Anexa can foster strong customer relationships that are built to last. We are customer care specialists who provide the dependability your company needs to thrive. Contact us to learn more.